Site policy (Terms of Use)

When you use our website, please read through and accept the following terms. Since any part of the terms may be added, deleted or modified at any time without any prior notice, please make sure to refer to the latest version before using this website.


We make no warranty of any kind whatsoever with respect to our website, including without limitation, the accuracy, usefulness, reliability, fitness for any particular purpose and/or safety (whether functions will not be disrupted, defects will be corrected, or our website and server are free of computer viruses and other harmful programs) of our website contents. Furthermore, we shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use or access, or inability to use or access our website.

Linking to Our Website

When you provide a link to our website, linking to the top page ( should be required. We may request you to remove the link when we decide the link to our website is inappropriate.

Copyrights and Trademarks

The contents of our website are protected by copyright laws, trademark laws and other applicable intellectual property laws. Except for certain private use permitted by applicable laws, you are strictly prohibited to use any of the contents (including without limitation, duplicating, publicly transmitting, distributing, transferring and adapting) without our authorization. Any and all rights to the trademarks, logos and brand names used on our website belong to us or owners of those corresponding rights.

Governing Law

The interpretation and application on our website as well as this RTerms of UseS shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Japanese laws. Kyoto District Court shall be exclusively the court of first jurisdiction for all disputes related to our website.