Internal control system

The Board of Directors of Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has def ined a basic policy regarding the maintenance of a system to secure the appropriateness of company operations (internal control system). Based on this, the company works to maintain and operate the internal control system appropriately.

The Murata Group shares the Murata Philosophy, which acts as a fundamental management policy, and in order to embody it, we have defined a fundamental policy and code of conduct, which have been distributed across the Group. The Group has also established common rules and procedures on decision making which are applicable across the Murata Group members, including domestic and overseas subsidiaries. Business operation of subsidiaries is discussed based on these rules and procedures, and information on business operation of the Murata Group is shared. Matters that satisfy specified criteria are submitted to the Management Executive Committee or the Board of Directors for deliberation and discussion.

Divisions that supervise the various business functions (general administration, personnel, accounting, etc.) of the Murata Group define frameworks, processing procedures, and judgment standards for duties to ensure that duties within the Murata Group are performed appropriately and efficiently, in addition to providing appropriate direction to subsidiaries as required. As an independent body, the Internal Audit Department (Office of Internal Audit) evaluates and monitors whether duties within the Murata Group are conducted appropriately and efficiently, adhering to laws and regulations and the internal regulations, etc. of the company.

Table of contents

Nomination of candidates for Members of the Board of Directors

  • Nomination policies
  • Nomination procedures
  • Nomination Advisory Committee
  • Composition of the Board of Directors and Skill Matrix
    • Executives
    • Biographies and Reasons for Appointment

Remuneration for Member of the Board of Directors

  • Policies regarding remuneration
  • Procedures for determining remuneration
  • Remuneration Advisory Committee