Stakeholder engagement

Communication with stakeholders

Companies cannot operate without social trust. At Murata, we believe that it is necessary to sincerely listen to the voices of stakeholders such as customers, employees, shareholders, investors, suppliers and members of the local community, and to respond to their requests. We also aim to cocreate new value with stakeholders through close communication with them, thereby practicing the Murata Philosophy and realizing sustainable growth.


Relationship with stakeholders At Murata, the values of “CS and ES” are regarded as key values in our management. In order to realize them, Murata strives to understand customer needs through communication in technology exchange meetings, etc. at an early stage of planning, development and designing phase of new products. By resolving customers’ issues and responding to their needs though such activities, Murata endeavors to build long-term trusting relationships with customers.
Means of engagement
  • Communication through business activities
  • Product exhibition and online seminar
  • Websites and social media
Examples of activities Murata’s environmental initiatives and customer support system
In response to the diverse demands of our customers, Murata is working on complex challenges such as product life cycle assessment including carbon footprint, especially in the environmental area. To address these challenges, we have established a system that enables prompt and accurate information to be provided to customers through close cooperation between the sales divisions, the business divisions, and the functional divisions.
Reflections in management and business activities At Murata, we believe that we can enhance corporate value by contributing to the resolution of customers’ challenges and social issues and maximizing customer satisfaction. Sharing internally customer feedback, which has a significant impact on business, also helps to raise employees’ awareness of their role in solving social issues.


Relationship with stakeholders At Murata, the values of “CS and ES” are regarded as key values in our management. Murata aims to be a company where each and every employee achieves satisfaction and continues to grow through the performance of their work duties. To foster such company culture, we are promoting two-way communication.
Means of engagement
  • Policy briefing session by the president
  • Employee survey
  • Employee training ( job grade-specific training programs/philosophy education, etc.)
  • Discussion with executives
  • Internal portal site/newsletters
  • Whistle-blowing system and consultation hotlines
  • Labor-management consultation
Examples of activities Dialogue with labor unions and building of sound labor management relations
Murata Manufacturing conducts discussions on personnel systems and ways of working through active dialogue with labor unions. In addition to monthly labor-management consultation meetings, Murata has quarterly meetings where leaders of labor and management have dialogue on management and workplace issues. We are building healthy labor-management relationships by, for example, improving the workplace environment based on recommendations from labor unions.
Reflections in management and business activities In fiscal 2022, labor and management held a series of discussions on the design of various systems for the introduction of a mandatory retirement age of 65 and revisions to the personnel system that will have a significant impact on employees, including a revision of the job classification system and promotion system.
Discussions were advanced thanks to labor unions for conveying employee feedback on the company’s proposals and a labor-management agreement was reached. In addition to the company’s efforts, the labor unions make efforts to disseminate information about the system through its bulletin and to ensure that the system is well understood.

Shareholders and investors

Relationship with stakeholders Murata strives for timely, accurate and fair disclosure of information to shareholders and investors. Murata is also engaged in constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors with the aim of achieving sustainable growth and increasing the medium- to long-term corporate value.
Means of engagement
  • Briefing session for securities analysts and investors (corporate information meetings, ESG briefings, and earnings release conference)
  • Meetings with securities analysts and investors in Japan and overseas
  • General meeting of shareholders
  • Company website (IR)
Examples of activities Constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors for value creation
Murata holds more than 500 dialogues annually with investors and analysts. Not only the IR department but also management actively participates in these dialogues. We also share valuable opinions from dialogues across the company to further improve our corporate value.
Reflections in management and business activities In response to opinions of shareholders and investors, we have strengthened dissemination of medium- to long-term business opportunities at corporate information meetings and held our first ESG briefing. In addition, with regard to information disclosure, we improved our earnings release conference materials and expanded disclosure of ESG information.

Link: Policy for Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors


Relationship with stakeholders At Murata, we emphasize communication that will build mutually trusting relationships with suppliers that enables us to thrive and prosper together. We work with suppliers to improve our unique technologies and management technologies, and build trusting relationships by treating them sincerely, with impartiality and fairness, while complying with laws and regulations and abiding by social ethics.
Means of engagement
  • Interaction with suppliers in daily procurement practice
  • Website exclusively for suppliers
  • Hotline for suppliers
  • Conducting briefing sessions and questionnaires for suppliers
  • On-site audit for suppliers
Examples of activities Co-creation of value with suppliers through our portal site
At Murata, we are working to promote DX also in our procurement activities. As part of this effort, we have launched a portal site for suppliers to harness information and communication between Murata and suppliers, and are operating it as a foundation for value co-creation.
Reflections in management and business activities Through the portal site, we communicate with suppliers on a wide range of topics, including production, quality control, and the SDGs. By sharing the opinions of suppliers obtained through the portal site with the procurement departments and related departments, we aim to improve the economic and social value not only of Murata but also of the entire supply chain.

Members of local communities

Relationship with stakeholders Murata aims to become a “presence in local communities that is a source of pride and joy to those communities”. In order to achieve this, Murata has made efforts to build good, trusting relationships with the people of the region through various ways of communication while gaining their understanding toward Murata’s business and initiatives by continuously engaging in activities that lead to solutions to the problems of the region in which we conduct business.
Means of engagement
  • Discussion and information exchange meeting with the local government, local communities, residents, and NPO in areas where our factories or offices are located
  • Factory tour
  • Participation/sponsorship for local events
  • Volunteer work of employees in the area
  • Providing visiting class and electronics workshops
Examples of activities Regional revitalization project for sustainable community development and business growth
Izumo Murata Manufacturing in Shimane Prefecture started a regional revitalization project with Shimane Shimadzu and Shimane Fujitsu. In order to continue business in rural areas where the working population is declining, the entire region must grow. Murata aims to create a continuous cycle of sustainable community development and business growth by strengthening cooperation with neighboring companies.
Reflections in management and business activities In the regional revitalization project, young employees are playing a central role in promoting activities. In addition, industry government-academia collaboration is taking place involving organizations outside the three companies, such as the municipality and local high schools. Through this project, employees experience working with a diverse group of people inside and outside the company to solve social issues in the community. We expect this opportunity helps develop and retain local talent that will support the future of the company and the community.