Stakeholder engagement

Case study

Communication with employees

Improving understanding of autonomous and decentralized organizations to pursue organizational transformation

At Murata, we aim to create an autonomous and decentralized organizational management so that we can continue to practice the Murata Philosophy, provide value, and continue growing even as the environment changes drastically. To achieve this, we thought that a change in each employee's behavior was necessary, and we therefore held a panel discussion with the participation of officers. At the panel, officers shared their own experiences and ideas on how to implement autonomous decentralization in their respective organizations and positions, exchanging views with employees. Employees commented that they felt a renewed appreciation for the importance of acting toward autonomous decentralization by having their own interpretations and opinions, and they also felt the usefulness of sharing diverse opinions in value creation. We will continue to foster an organizational culture where employees can empathize with organizational reform initiatives and carry them out with a sense of conviction.

Panel discussion on autonomous decentralization

Communications with shareholders / investors

Co-creating value with shareholders and investors through constructive dialogue

Murata conducts various IR activities so that shareholders and investors would deepen their understanding of our management ideology and financial status. We have more than 700 dialogues per year with analysts and institutional investors, with more opportunities to speak directly with not only the IR department, but also management, including the President. We communicate with individual investors through general meetings of shareholders, etc. Valuable opinions obtained through these dialogues are shared by the IR department with Members of the Board of Directors, Vice Presidents, and related internal departments, and are reflected in the formulation of our management strategy and in efforts to enhance disclosure of financial and ESG-related information. We also provide feedback in our intern al IR activities* and link them to efforts toward value cocreation by all employees.

  • Activities to provide employees with an opportunity to review their own company's issues by providing feedback from institutional investors, etc.
Information meeting (held in fiscal 2021)

Communications with members of local communities

Realizing a sustainable society with the members of local communities

At Murata, we value communication with the members of local community and carry out various activities to realize a sustainable society. At Izumo Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Shimane Prefecture), in addition to visiting a local elementary school to give classes about the SDGs, we also worked with the same school on other activities, including jointly creating a map of the future that presented the wishes of children for a sustainable and better world and our employees’ resolutions for achieving the SDGs, and a food loss reduction challenge in which students competed with each other on their lunch completion rates. In this way, Murata is not only working to solve social issues as a company, but is also creating opportunities for each and every employee to enjoy working with the members of local community to confront familiar issues, think about what contributions they can make, and take action.

Co-creating a map of the future