Murata's human resources

At Murata, we see operating capital as a source of value creation developed by putting company philosophy into practice, and we believe that our human resources are at the core of value creation. In order to continue to create value as an Innovator in Electronics, we will continue to enhance our human capital as we link employee motivation and growth with increasing organizational strength.

Employee engagement

"Employee engagement" that is born when employees are motivated and feel they are growing

Engagement at Murata

CS and ES have always been important values at Murata, and will continue to be so in the future. As the scope of CS has expanded to include the resolution of social issues, it is necessary to further improve ES of our employees who play a role in solving these issues. Our definition of ES is that, "every employee achieves satisfaction and continuing growth through the performance of their work duties."
At Murata, we believe that "engagement" means that every employee feels that their work is meaningful and feels that they are growing. We also believe that it is important for employee development to be aligned with the growth of the organization (Murata).

Empowering environments at Murata

One of our strengths has always been our ability to retain and enhance human capital, and we have engaged in various initiatives that assume long-term career development in order to do this. We have developed a multi-level remuneration system. By aligning the company’s needs with the career plans of individuals, we have also focused on developing rotations for growth, developing specialized skills for technological development and monozukuri, and fostering managements to transform individual strengths into organizational strengths. We also continue to establish environments and systems that allow each of our diverse employees to work in whatever way best suits their own individual lifestyle.

Actions to enhance engagement

Action Why? Result indicators
  • 1.Improvement in organizational culture based on global survey results
At Murata, our two most important values are CS ("to create and provide value that is recognized by the customer") and ES ("every employee achieves satisfaction and continuing growth through the performance of their work duties"). Through ensuring the spiraling up of both CS and ES, we realize sustainable value creation as an Innovator in Electronics.
  • Necessary to continue to improve ES
  • Sincerely accept of global survey results
  • Implement reliable means of improving our organizational culture
  • Employee engagement
    (*used as a KGI)
  • 2.Promotion of dialog between management and employees
At Murata, we believe that it is important to obtain the understanding and agreement of our employees with regard to the company's philosophies, reason for being, and business goals, in order for the company to continue to grow.
  • Aim to put company philosophy into practice, provide value, and engage in autonomous and decentralized organizational operation
  • Necessary to reform behaviors of each and every employee
  • Hold panel discussions with participation by executive officers
  • Promote continual dialog between management and employees
  • Number of messages from the President sent through internal communication tools
  • Number of executive officer training sessions
  • Number of participants
  • 3.Establishment of environments and systems that make work more pleasant
Our employees have a diverse range of backgrounds and values. We believe that establishing pleasant environments and systems for all of our employees is crucial for employees to feel their work is rewarding and to work together autonomously, in order to create innovation.
  • Establish environments with a positive work-life balance
  • Engage in continuous dialog on how best to get work done in a manner that is balanced
  • Develop employees and continuously develop business
  • Employee turnover rate
  • 4.Secure and safe workplace and health management
CS and ES are the most important values at Murata, and we believe that these are the foundation for employees’ health and wellness in secure and safe workplaces.
  • "Each employee can work while feeling that they are healthy in a safe workplace"
  • Healthy in mind and body and in harmony with other people and society
  • Naturally acting safely
  • Able to concentrate on work without worries, and few near-miss accidents
  • Refer to material issues (occupational health and safety related)

1.Improvement in organizational culture based on global survey results

At Murata, our two most important values are CS ("to create and provide value that is recognized by the customer") and ES ("every employee achieves satisfaction and continuing growth through the performance of their work duties"). Through ensuring the spiraling up of both CS and ES, we realize sustainable value creation as an Innovator in Electronics.

As the scope of CS has expanded to include the resolution of social issues, it is necessary to further improve ES of our employees who play a role in solving these issues. We sincerely accept the results of global surveys conducted for all employees as reflecting the true feeling of our employees, regularly check whether employees feel that their work is meaningful and that they are growing each day, and implement reliable means of improving our organizational culture, because we believe that this helps to improve employee dynamism and achieve what Murata wants to be (Vision2030).

Related initiatives

Employee engagement initiatives
Since 2004, Murata has continued to reform organizational cultures in order to establish a company culture that provides both meaning and opportunities for growth to employees. At Murata, we believe that it is important for employees to feel that their work is meaningful and to continue to grow. We therefore had been conducting employee surveys at each site in order to determine and analyze issues as we continue to improve.

In fiscal 2021, we began conducting global surveys and running through a global PDCA cycle. The positive response ratio for "employee engagement" has been set as a medium- to long-term benchmark, with a goal of 70% by fiscal 2024 and 76% or higher by fiscal 2030.

FY2017 FY2019 FY2021
Number of survey subjects (people) 24,583 37,045 74,630
Number of actual respondents 22,371 33,888 71,233
Response rate (%) 91% 91% 95%
Positive response rate (%) 60% 58% 68%

Employee engagement survey results (global)

  • * Global employee survey is conducted once every two years
  • * In 2017 and 2019, surveys were conducted for all employees in Japan and employees at some overseas bases
  • * In 2021, a survey was conducted for all employees at all bases in Japan and overseas
  • * Since 2019, surveys have been conducted with revised definition of engagement and revised content

Intellectual property rights of employees
Murata has a reward system regarding new technologies developed by employees. See below for details.

Link: Measures concerning intellectual property

2.Promotion of dialog between management and employees

At Murata, we believe that it is important to obtain the understanding and agreement of our employees with regard to the company's philosophies, reason for being, and business goals, in order for the company to continue to grow.

We aim to put our company philosophy into practice and provide value even as our environments undergo drastic change, and engage in autonomous and decentralized organizational operation. We held a panel discussion in which executive officers also participated, under the belief that we must reform the behavior of each and every employee in order to accomplish this. During this discussion, executive officers shared their personal experiences and thoughts on how best to put autonomous and decentralized management into practice in various organizations and positions, and exchanged opinions with employees. Employees reacted positively to the discussion, mentioning that they felt the importance of applying their interpretations and opinions on autonomous and decentralized management to their own behavior, and that they felt that sharing diverse opinions was useful for creating value. In addition to discussions such as this, we will continue to promote dialog between management and employees in order to foment an organizational culture in which employees agree and are satisfied with organizational reform initiatives. Some of these efforts will include:

  • Policy explanation sessions conducted by the President
  • Employee surveys
  • Employee training (training programs organized by executive officers, training by level, company philosophy training)
  • Dialog sessions with company officers
  • Internal portal site, internal newsletters
  • Whistle-blowing system, consultation desk
Related initiatives

Entrenchment of Management Philosophy that connects diverse individuals
Through promoting the activity of a diverse workforce, we believe that Murata will display strengths based on the distinctive characteristics of each individual employee. At the same time, in order to ensure that these diverse strengths resonate and generate innovation, it is more important than ever to ensure that all employees share the values that Murata has cultivated.

At Murata, beginning with training sessions organized by our executives, in which they act as lecturers to discuss Murata’s Management Philosophy (Company Philosophy), we are engaged in a variety of efforts to deepen understanding of our Company Philosophy on a global basis, for example by providing materials to promote mutual discussion in the workplace and holding workshops in all locations. In addition, when we welcome new employees who have just been hired or who have joined the Group through M&A, etc., we begin by generating a feeling of connection with Murata’s Corporate Philosophy in each individual as a member of the Murata team, making efforts to create the groundwork that will enable us to incorporate the diverse backgrounds of each individual in the practice of Murata’s Management Philosophy.

In addition, we have started new initiatives according to the environment such as providing the employees with an online opportunity to learn the Murata philosophy and the path of Murata history as well as think about the future of Murata and their own role.

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of executive officer training sessions* 25 27 22 32 33
Number of executive officer training participants No detailed data approximately 800 approximately 780
  • *Scope of coverage: Consolidated (domestic)
  • *Total of 460 sessions as of FY2022

Implementation results of training sessions organized by executive officers, in which they act as lecturers

Providing opportunities for "chatting and consulting" to create new value
At Murata, we aim to put autonomous and decentralized organizational operation into practice. In order to achieve it, we believe it is necessary that the President's intentions are shared with and understood by employees. We introduced a new internal communication tool called "Chitchat with president" in order to deliver the messages from the President to employees all around the world. It engages employees in active two-way communication; they can ask questions, consult or make suggestions to the President.

Apr. 2022 to mar. 2023
Number of delivered messages for year 38

Delivery status of messages from the President using internal communication tool

3.Establishment of environments and systems that make work more pleasant

Our employees have a diverse range of backgrounds and values. We believe that establishing pleasant environments and systems for all of our employees is crucial for employees to feel their work is rewarding and to work together autonomously, in order to create innovation.

Therefore, we continue to develop environments with an excellent work-life balance, where individual employees can consider their work-life balance, discuss issues at the workplace, and improve productivity. We are encouraging continuous dialog at each workplace about work processes, including taking days off and balancing work and private life, aiming to increase productivity and promote employee development and sustainable business development. More specifically, we are engaged in suppressing overtime working, enhancing our remote work system, enhancing our flextime system, increasing the number of annual paid leave days, and providing a system for allowing employees to continue to work as they provide childcare or nursing care, or recover from illness.

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Employee turnover rate (separation rate for personal reasons) 1.6% 1.3% 1.5% 1.5% 1.8%
  • *Scope of coverage: Consolidated (domestic)
Related initiatives

Initiatives to suppress overtime working
Murata introduced a flextime system in 1990, aiming to increase productivity and reduce the total work time. In addition, in 2009, we introduced a “super flextime” system with no core time to enable an even more flexible working style.

We have also set the upper limit of monthly overtime hours at 35 hours based on a labor-management agreement under Article 36 of the Labor Standards Act, which stipulates rules that an application for approval be submitted to the labor union to work extra time during late-night hours. Regular monitoring between labor and management is also conducted, including interview surveys on actual work hours by the labor union, supervisors, and HR staff as necessary, in an effort to suppress overtime working by giving first priority to employees’ mental and physical health and safety.

Looking ahead to the Murata style of "working and leave" in the New Normal era
In order to realize the sustainable development of Murata going forward, it is essential to further increase productivity and create an environment in which employees can create value under conditions which are mentally and physically healthy and within reasonable working hours. We believe that promoting a style of work which does not easily rely on overtime working can create an environment in which personnel with diverse attributes can feel a sense of purpose while playing an active role. A telecommuting system has been employed at Murata since March 2019 for the primary purpose of improving productivity, but the spread of the novel coronavirus infection has given us the opportunity to rapidly expand working from home to completely change our way of working to one in which "everyone reporting to the office to work" is no longer routine. Amidst a significant transformation of the relationship between the company and the individual, we are once again having discussions between labor and management about the Murata style of "working and rest" in the New Normal era and revising the systems of work and leave around the concepts of "differences," "autonomy," "responsibility and obligations," and "self-selection." While discussing the ideal form of these systems for the sustainable development of Murata going forward, we will create an environment in which employees can create value under conditions which are mentally and physically healthy.

Employment system revisions from April 2021
Primary revision details

(1) Full-scale revision of the telecommuting system

  • Expansion of the people that it applies to through a re-examination of the system objectives (including the objective to harmonize one's private life and work in addition to improving productivity)
  • Removal of the unified upper limit on the number of times that telecommuting is implemented
  • Permission to step out for personal business during telecommuting

(2) Revision of the flextime system

  • Removal of the ban on application to child-rearing and nursing care temporary part-time workers
  • Reduction of core time hours

(3) Increase in the number of annual paid leave days granted (from October 2021)

(4) Reduction in the number of prescribed working days (affiliated group companies in Japan)

Name of system Overview of the system
Flextime system
  • Core time (mandatory working hours)
    11:00 to 15:00
  • Flextime (employees may start and end work at any time within the time slots listed below)
    Start time: 7:00 to 11:00
    End time: 15:00 to 22:00
“Super flextime” system
  • Flextime: 7:00 to 22:00
  • Minimum work time per day: 3 hours 15 minutes

* There is no core time, but employees must work at least the minimum work time each day.

The telecommuting system
  • Daily work time can be spent working completely remotely (all-day remote work) or only partially remotely (partial remote work).
  • Can also be used with other work systems, such as the reduced work time system (to care for children or other family members, or receive cancer treatment), flextime system, and super flextime system.
  • This hybrid approach involves mainly working at the office (at least 50% of work time per month spent at the office).

Building stable relationships based on mutual trust
The Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union has member labor unions within Murata Manufacturing.

Recognizing that labor disputes can be resolved through mutual understanding and trust, on the basis of dialogue between parties, we strive for corporate development and for the realization of stability in employees’ lifestyles from the standpoint of both labor and management. Labor-related systems and standards are set, changed, and reviewed through discussions with the labor unions, and are carried out on a basis of mutual agreement. Our labor union monitors various working conditions such as long working hours (overtime), and works with us to make improvements. At domestic Group companies with no labor unions, there are organizations that represent employees known as employee associations, to which every employee other than management belongs. In addition to holding discussions and exchanging views with top management, these groups facilitate communication among employees. Meetings are held at appropriate times to explain labor-related systems and standards to management and newly appointed officers, who do not belong to unions or employee associations.

Creating workplaces that promote work satisfaction
Seeking to create mentally and physically healthy environments in which diverse human resources are able to flourish

At Murata, we want our employees not only to simply to perform their jobs, but also, by through their roles in their families and in the local community, to grow as people and cultivate and attain a rich understanding of humanity and of their own careers. We recognize that the provision of an environment in which each individual employee can realize work-life balance and create value on the basis of mental and physical health is essential to the realization of these goals. In order to both increase productivity and support the realization of work-life balance, we are actively introducing systems that allow flexible ways of working, providing our employees with the choice of a diverse range of working styles.

Main support systems (Murata Manufacturing)
In response to the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, we have introduced a variety of systems that go beyond the requirements of the law in order to support the realization of work-life balance and career continuity.

system contents
Child-rearing Reduced working hours Working hours may be shortened by up to two hours per day when pregnant or raising a child up to the sixth year of elementary school. This may also be used in combination with the flextime system.
Childcare time For female employees with a child younger than 1 year old to secure childcare time (for expression of milk, etc.), paid leave of a maximum of 120 minutes per day (this can be divided into two parts) is granted.
Leave for nursing sick children Five days of special leave are granted per year for one child and 10 days per year for two or more children for the purpose of attending or nursing children up to the point of graduation from elementary school.
Support for early return from childcare leave When returning to work from childcare leave with a child who is less than one year old, eight days of special leave are granted for children who are less than six months old and four days for children between six months and one year old.
Leave for emergency school closure Three days of special leave are granted per year for one child and 6 days per year for two or more children in the event of a temporary closure of a school, school year, or school class for children up to the point of graduation from elementary school.
Leave when spouse is giving birth Ten working days (may be split into three periods) of special paid leave is granted within one week before a spouse gives birth or after the birth up to the point when the child reaches one year of age.
Daycare support system An introduction to a list of care providers and cost subsidies are provided to employees with children who are elementary school age or younger in a household where both parents work.
Nursing care Reduced working hours Working hours may be shortened by up to two hours per day when nursing family members who require nursing care. This may also be used in combination with the flextime system.
Reduced work week Employees may work four days per week when nursing family members who require nursing care.
Nursing care leave If an employee needs to care for their family, they are granted special leave of five days per year for one person to care for and 10 days per year for two or more persons to care for.
Cancer treatment Reduced working hours Working hours may be shortened by up to two hours per day for up to one year from the application start date of the "Balance Support Plan".
Special leave Special leave of one day per week is granted for up to one year from the application start date of the "Balance Support Plan".
Others Leave when spouse is being dispatched overseas Employees may take a leave of absence of up to three years in order to accompany a spouse who is transferring abroad.
Paid vacation based on half-hourly units In addition to annual paid leave, two days worth of time based paid leave can be taken annually in increments of 30 minutes and combined with half-day paid leave.
Multipurpose accumulated leave If annual paid leave is not taken for two years, two days of the last paid leave can be accumulated per year and taken for the purpose of refreshment leave, volunteering, nursing care, nursing, medical treatment, and child-rearing, etc.
Cafeteria plan Using the cafeteria points granted every year, employees can select benefit programs they want to use from the specified menu in areas such as autonomous development support, childcare, nursing care, and health, according to their life stage and/or life style.

Additionally, in April 2019, we opened the Kaede nursery in Nagaokakyo City and the Murata Yumenomori nursery in Izumo City as company-run nurseries. They are aimed at supporting a smooth return to work for employees who took maternity or childcare leave, and supporting diverse work styles for employees who wish to work while raising their children.

Based on our Action Plan for the Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, in order to support the healthy development of the children who will form the next generation, we hold events “Children’s visit days” in which employees’ children are invited to visit the company at all of our worksites. Through the experience of seeing their parent at work and touring their parent’s workplace, we are trying to give children a real sense of “work,” and to instill a feeling of gratitude toward their working parents.

There are initiatives also in areas other than childcare and nursing care. One example is that while it is specified by law that health insurance expense is paid by the employer and the insured person for 50% each, at Murata, the employer pays for 4.726% of the standard monthly remuneration, and the insured person pays for 3.474% of the standard monthly remuneration.

4.Secure and safe workplace and health management

CS and ES are the most important values at Murata, and we believe that these are the foundation for employees’ health and wellness in secure and safe workplaces.

By solidifying this foundation, we will increase the value of our human capital. Based on Vision2030, we have defined what Murata wants to be in 2030 with regard to secure and safe workplace and health management, as "each employee can work while feeling that they are healthy in a safe workplace." All people working in Murata should be healthy with their “mind” and “body” as well as “relationship between people and society,” in harmony and they should be naturally acting safely. In the workplace environment, they should be able to concentrate on their work without worries and experience few near-miss accidents.

Link: Secure and safe workplace and health management