Murata and the Environment

Protecting biodiversity

In 1988, Murata’s nature-loving founder established the “Murata Green Policy”, and since then, we have been mindful of the relationship between our business activities and biodiversity while placing our efforts into the conservation and restoration of our ecosystems.

And our activities are not limited to the grounds of our factories. Through the “Murata Forest” program, we also work to conserve woodlands close to our facilities.

Initiatives for the protection of biodiversity

Promoting greenification

Wildlife in the region

Not content to merely observe the stipulations of the Factory Location Act and take the landscapes around our facilities into consideration, at Murata we are carrying out greenification activities that seek to both form and protect regional ecological networks.

  • 1.

    When planting trees, we study the birds that live in the region, and actively attempt to plant trees that bear the fruit, nuts, etc. preferred by those birds.

  • 2.

    In addition to composting the weeds that spring up as a result of our greenification activities in order to improve the soil, we use chips created from pruned branches for various purposes, including creating habitats for insects such as rhinoceros beetles.

  • 3.

    In addition to refraining from the use of herbicides that would be incompatible with our goal of protecting ecosystems, we attempt as much as possible to restrict our use of chemical substances such as insecticides and disinfectants.

  • 4.

    We are providing opportunities for our staff and for local children to learn about ecology by creating biotopes in order to protect the living creatures that make specific regions their habitat and conducting activities to restore and revitalize ecosystems.

  • 5.

    In order to protect endangered flora, we work to protect and restore plants such as spoon-leaved sundew, white egret orchids, and Japanese buttercup.

  • 6.

    In and around the grounds of our facilities, we eliminate and control the spread of nonnative species which threaten local ecosystems, such as Canada goldenrod, lance-leaved coreopsis, and the common dandelion.

Fukui Murata white egret orchids
Okayama Murata biotope

Promoting the "Murata Forest" program

Protecting woodlands in developed areas has been indicated as an important measure for the protection of biodiversity. Murata is working to protect such woodlands at a number of locations in Japan through the "Murata Forest" program.

For example, with the support of local residents, we are organizing Murata employees and volunteers from among their family members to thin-out vegetation and clear undergrowth once a month in a wooded area located in the Kouzaki district of Kameoka City in Kyoto Prefecture.

The purpose of these activities is to provide our employees and their families with opportunities to refresh their bodies and souls.

Forest thinning
Using timber from forest thinning to build steps